March Clay Club: Wednesday, 3/12, 2 PM, Glaze Demo with Emily Reason at
Haywood Community College
March Clay Club
Everyone is welcome, bring friends!
Do you want to host *or* demo for a clay club in 2025? Reply to this email
and let’s get you on ...
1 day ago
Okay that was amazing, You prabably dont know me but I am a freshmen at Lakeridge and in ceramics with Amy, it is actually fun and very interesting, I was looking at some of the blogs and stumbled upon yours, let me start by saying that was amazing (In 4 minutes, oh wait nevermind the video was only 4 minutes) anyway..I thought you would be the person to ask and because I think I have heard and seen some of your work at school and in the kiln firing I was at this Spring, I need a few tips on raising, What works best for raising? Every time I start to raise it wobbles then just collapses, not always but it is very hard to do, it would be a great help if you could give me some tips or just an opinion, thanks :)